

SARAL construction  is your one stop solution for all your Industrial,Commercial and Residential constructions. A team  of competent engineers, who provide solution for your problems. Our consultant engineers  analyze client requirements to create custom solutions and also helping clients meet their goals.

Project planning is an aspect of construction that require years of experience in construction,keep a project running in budget, handle problems ,creating a plan that fits the need of client.Construction requires expert consulting service .From scientific to managerial role,from technical to cordinating , planning requires specialization , administrative expertise ,development skills

We are your construction partner, choose with confidence.Our Consulting Services deliver best business solution offerings to help your business transform with certainty and produce tangible benefits.We have unmatched industry expertise, dedicated and committed to confidently implement optimum solutions to client unique organizational requirements.Our team of experienced professionals strive for a common goal of achieving excellence and beyond.

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Consulting Services

Our Consulting Services deliver best business solution offerings to help your business transform with certainty and produce tangible benefits.

client requirements

Our consultant engineers  analyze client requirements to create custom solutions and also helping clients meet their goals.


What is architecture

What is architecture , is it just an outlook , an opinion , a perspective or is it more than that ?? Some of the  early examples of architecture might shed some light.It can be sufficely presumed  by looking at those monuments and structures, and comparing it with modern day design that the process evolved out of human desire and longing for artistic taste.

Though the ancient civilization ,as those of India and Egypt reflects a tryst. with divine and supernatural , others represent a much more formalized and politically dominated architectural style.Architecture represent local aspiration,cultural symbolism,aspiration, and contemporary ethos that influence social life.

Architecture portrays great regional diversity ,developed along different lineshaving different characteristics encompassing natural landscape and further enhancing it.The style and method of design and construction has a generalized as well as vocation specific touch.

What is architecture , is it just an outlook , an opinion , a perspective or is it more than that ?? Some of the  early examples of architecture might shed some light.It can be sufficely presumed  by looking at those monuments and structures, and comparing it with modern day design that the process evolved out of human desire and longing for artistic taste.

Consulting Services

Our Consulting Services deliver best business solution offerings to help your business transform with certainty and produce tangible benefits.

client requirements

Our consultant engineers  analyze client requirements to create custom solutions and also helping clients meet their goals.


What is architecture

What is architecture , is it just an outlook , an opinion , a perspective or is it more than that ?? Some of the  early examples of architecture might shed some light.It can be sufficely presumed  by looking at those monuments and structures, and comparing it with modern day design that the process evolved out of human desire and longing for artistic taste.

Though the ancient civilization ,as those of India and Egypt reflects a tryst. with divine and supernatural , others represent a much more formalized and politically dominated architectural style.Architecture represent local aspiration,cultural symbolism,aspiration, and contemporary ethos that influence social life.

Architecture portrays great regional diversity ,developed along different lineshaving different characteristics encompassing natural landscape and further enhancing it.The style and method of design and construction has a generalized as well as vocation specific touch.

What is architecture , is it just an outlook , an opinion , a perspective or is it more than that ?? Some of the  early examples of architecture might shed some light.It can be sufficely presumed  by looking at those monuments and structures, and comparing it with modern day design that the process evolved out of human desire and longing for artistic taste.

Consulting Services

Our Consulting Services deliver best business solution offerings to help your business transform with certainty and produce tangible benefits.

client requirements

Our consultant engineers  analyze client requirements to create custom solutions and also helping clients meet their goals.


History of construction

History of construction is truly remarkable.  From neolithic architecture to modern day buildings,from mud houses to high rise buildings , the tools and methods have evolved drastically.Archaeological records and  surveys provide us with glimpse of structure that were built thousands of years ago.Structures like Machu Picchu,Great Pyramids of Giza are in themselves uncanny and outstanding piece of craftsmen and engineering.What were once made  to suit the basic needs of protection and fortification have turned into exquisite and intricate structures.

Design and planning ,procedure and methods,delivering quality and equipping to the changing  requirements .Understanding the scope and cost estimates of planning and construction requires  engineering skills ,management and interdisciplinary approach.Current trend is to promote sustainable construction methods that appreciate and blends architectural tradition and innovation, apart from that interaction of skilled workforce,engineers and a qualified advice is a must

specification requires exact method and material to synthesis into a sturdy and aesthetic design. Melding the perfection of a  skilled craftsman and technological advancement,construction has come a long way redefining the future of design and complex structures.

Construction Structure

Today Construction is more than just erecting a building it’s a fusion of design and planning ,procedure and methods,delivering quality and equipping to the changing  requirements.

Construction Requirements

Structures like Machu Picchu,Great Pyramids of Giza are in themselves uncanny and outstanding piece of craftsmen and engineering.What were once made  to suit the basic needs of protection


La storia dei nostri tornei

Il Tc Istrana vanta una tradizione di promozione dello sport del tennis che ne fa un fiore all’occhiello degli affiliati federali nazionali che va dalle scuole di addestramento tennis alle competizioni a squadre e singolari di vertice.

Molti conoscono bene le origini del nostro club, ma per chi ne fosse all’oscuro, cosa peraltro legittima, sintetizzo la storia in poche righe.

Quando il lontano e attuale presidente Maurizio Torresan nel 1974 all’età di 28 anni al termine di una carriera atletica di tutto rispetto ha, fortuna nostra,  messo gli occhi allo sport del tennis: innamorandosene !!

Quello stesso anno diventa socio, membro del direttivo, atleta e agonista del neo nascente Tennis Club Paese, l’anno successivo ne diventò presidente eletto con una votazione Bulgara.

Nel frattempo il club cresceva e prosperava e nel frattempo il Presidente ha avuto il tempo di arricchire il suo palmares di trofei nelle più svariate specialità, ma il suo tributo migliore è stato a trasmettere il suo grande entusiasmo a diversi imprenditori di prestigio e si sono uniti alla nostra grande famiglia, e ritenne appunto la riconoscenza di tributare il Nascente torneo “Open Nazionale di tennis Imballaggi Positello” fra pochi giorni compie il 25°, e altri se ne aggiunsero come il Torneo over circuito veterani veneto giunto ora alla 10 edizione, e senza dimenticare il Campionato Under Vismec (VI edizione).

Nel frattempo il prestigio del club e i successi di riscontro nel Gotha tennistico regionale, imposero un trasferimento in un impianto più moderno e che potesse garantire possibilità di crescita e sviluppo.

Con il coraggio di partire guardando dei prati incolti con il suo amico e collega di racchetta Marconato Fabio, vennero a Istrana a portare una ventata di entusiasmo che i risultati fin qui raggiunti ne sono una controprova.

Qui andrà il calendario dei tornei futuri

Presto i nostri collaboratori completeranno questa sezione

Construction Structure

Today Construction is more than just erecting a building it’s a fusion of design and planning ,procedure and methods,delivering quality and equipping to the changing  requirements.

Construction Requirements

Structures like Machu Picchu,Great Pyramids of Giza are in themselves uncanny and outstanding piece of craftsmen and engineering.What were once made  to suit the basic needs of protection